Tuesday, February 15, 2011

18) TransPac 2011 delivery e/m's 15 : MOB practice

I need real-time mono-hull MOB practice preferably in SF rough water under sail.  If anyone knows anyone willing to go out and do some serious practice please make the connection for me.  I need to complete this prior to an April delivery.

Also, I need hands-on training to re-fresh bleeding a diesel.  Preferably, on an '07 Vetus 32 hp.  But, any newer diesel will do. 



If possible, sign me up for the MOB also.
I want to get out on the Bay a least a couple of times simply to sail as I'm rusty.  In the next 4-6 weeks, are you up for going out at least if the weather is not good for you to work ie potentially week days?

...Yes, get a boat and we'll do our own double-handed mob stuff.  That will be good light-handed training.  Let the desk know we want short notice so we can get a windy day?  You can also appeal to them that we want to practice 3 active crew mob procedures as that is what we will be dealing with and we need a 3rd & possibly 4th.

I have no positive hits back yet.

I can make most any day of the week work.



Have you and Bill decided on the 4-person depicted?
...He has not responded yet.  I think this might be a committee decision.  I have preferences on what I want and just waiting for the discussion to start. 

I just contacted him regarding provisions and I will now assemble the spreadsheet and spearhead the galley issues.

Send an em to all of us with your preferences and opinions about the watch schedule to get the dialog started.




I'm focusing on weekdays because its much easier to get a boat with 24-48 hours notice than on weekend (which is typically more like 1-3 weeks to get reservation). That way we have good shot at reserving a boat just 1-2 days ahead when we know there'll be some wind etc., but avoid risk of significant cancellation fees. That said, time is going by both for me to get the rust out as well as MOB practice. Looking at weather outlook, there's nothing really substantial in next couple of weeks, just modest winds. But, I'd like to get out there - could you do 3/7 (mon) or 3/8 (tues)?

Hey Dave – I hope you find a boat to do this in rough ocean conditions – more than I’m up for in the winter. I did sail a couple of hours last weekend, though, wearing my Mustang suit – it was fine, but hard on the face.  
Also, my engine is an old Universal M-20, easy to bleed but likely much different from the Vetus.
If you get the urge to go out on the Bay and abuse someone else’s boat, give me a call. Good luck on the delivery trip. Tried to meet up with Craig recently via cell and radio contact on the bay, but we didn’t spot each other –it was odd.


Looks like there's easy availability at Club Nautique next monday 3/7. But, it will be out of their Alameda location (sausalito location closed mon/tues in winter) - we'll just have to motor some. Right now forecast looks like we would get decent winds. You still on for 3/7? I'll book it in another couple of days - keep eye on forecast.


PS Saw your vhf and provisioning emails - will be updating my vhf, but haven't looked at models/reviews/prices yet. Will respond to provisioning in coming days - hectic right now.



A front rolled thru here last night and today was a very windy day.  Clive and I went out and did a concentrated MOB practice.  We want to address this while we are sitting on shore in Kaneohe and make sure we are all on the same page.  If I forget, please make sure this is on your checklist for things to do prior to departure.


It definitely is.  It may be required.  It is for the Chicago Mac.

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