Monday, February 14, 2011

17) TransPac 2011 delivery e/m's 14


I assume you have plenty to think about in preparation for the delivery.  I am willing to jump-start the provisioning list by creating the ingredients spreadsheet.  I can also work with Gib regarding galley supplies/tools, etc.

I do intend to eat well or at least eat stuff that tastes good.  What I plan to prepare is basic using simple ingredients with the least amount of effort/propane.

Let me know.



That would be great!  I've started working on a spreadsheet which I've attached.  Feel feel to use it or not.

I REALLY appreciate the help!


Dave & Eric,

Thank you both for digging in to meet Lance & Mike.  I thought they both could work out & fit into our Transpac crew program.  In the end both are having to drop out for financial reasons.
The search goes on.

Again thank you both.


Things are getting hotter over our start date.  Read this one.    g

Below is our letter to Bill Lee of Transpac concerning the issue of the starting sequence for this years race.  I hope I've not misrepresented anyone I've spoken with as some have had other objections to the announced plan.  I simply believe their current plan is unfair to our rating band.  And make no mistake, personally I've never had as much fun or felt more accomplished as finishing last years PacCup a half a day in front of a RP 66, Pegasus and the spite of the unevenness of the starting days weather.

After your communications with us last week and the Transpac meeting last Saturday where you're absence was noticed by all in attendance, we've decided to try one last time to have an intelligent discussion with you about the actual issues surrounding the purposed starting sequence for this year’s event.  Both Jerry Montgomery and Dave Cort told us that we still needed to talk with you, giving the impression it is your decision or at least your agenda.  To our way of thinking there is only one issue.  If you reject the single start day concept and decide to stagger the starting days you have an OBLIGATION TO THE ENTIRE FLEET in trying to make a fair starting sequence for everyone in that fleet.  In this case you've decided to give the big boys everything they want…the guarantee of finishing first.  The other comments that you made in you're emails with me have nothing to do with this issue and are simply presented as a smokescreen to keep from discussing this actual issue.  At this point, since the Saturday meeting we've talked with EVERY SC 50 owner (and we understand they've emailed you as well) and we have their support for giving the FAST 40's and 50 footers a Wednesday Start.  We also spoke with a SC 52 owner who shared our viewpoint and I'm sure the NM 55 owner is also aboard.  Also my old yacht Artimis (ex Cantata, Andrews 53 from Seattle) feels strongly about this as well.  Also the J-125 from SF has issues with your decisions as well, as indicated in their blog on Sailing Anarchy.  This 3 start day sequence, will make a fairer race for everyone.  With only 48 hours between starts and not the 72 hours that Transpac has used in the past, the finishing group should be nicely packed together with small, medium and large yachts arriving somewhat together and it still gives the larger and fastest handicapped boats a time advantage in finishing first.  Start everyone together and you have a level playing field, (if watching the finishers come in by size and speed is the goal); continue on the path you're on and you've mandated the finishing sequence and our rating band (the 50 footers) get screwed on the water.  We watch the Monday starters sail away (unless they have the worst weather luck this year) with the faster Monday finishers done 3+/- days in front of us, and at the same time the sleds, TP 52 and modern beasts leave us all in the dust.  Finishing overlapped with an Aloha boat at the finish line is not the way any SC 50 owner or crew thinks Transpac should treat this dynamic class who have long supported this race and frankly telling us so in an email is a bit insulting to us all.  Bill, we hope you can put your preconceived notions aside, and look into what will actually advance the Transpac Race and what will only make for continued hard feelings. The fact that no fifty class representation is on the board is no reason to harbor a grudge. Remember a few of the more ridiculous decisions that prior boards have made, restricting the rating bands so only certain maxis qualify or one that had us personally livid; the Kokopelli issue from a few years ago...lets not go down this path again and let's remember you came aboard as a new and fresh administration hoping to right the wrongs of Transpac's past.
PS. If the cost of the extra starting day is a real issue Jack Taylor, owner of Horizon will gladly donate $100 toward offsetting the cost of that start day and I'm sure a number of the other owner's of 50 footers would also contribute.  We would like a timely reply to this so we can determine our next step.
Jon Shampain
Horizon SC 50 

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