Friday, December 23, 2005

56) 95nm East of Barbados

Friday 12.23.05 737am                    

13° 16.169 N 57° 55.099 W
95nm East of Barbados

The last sunrise at sea on this passage.
If the wind blows from the east long enough all the water has to pile up somewhere.  For the last several days we have been enjoying the benefits of the trade winds and suffering the waves and swells that result.  It has been very sloppy with confused seas causing the boat to roll all the time. 

We made landfall about 11pm.  From approximately 25nm away we were able to see an outline of Barbados before the sunset.  When the lights on land became visible I realized that we had crossed the Atlantic.  Even though we saw land it still was 5-6 hours before we were there.  We had not cleared the line from the prop and could not motor and were able to sail to the anchorage.  We dropped the hook about 11:15 pm a ¼ mile from the beach.  Unfortunately, there were 4 nightclubs with the worst house music possible blaring our direction, downwind.  John made a phone call to Nancy and flashed our lights so she could see us.  She was willing to get a bucket of KFC to us but John held off thinking it might not be safe. 


It was hard getting to sleep so I sat in the cockpit and read until 2am.  It was an odd sensation sitting in the cockpit and the boat not moving very much.

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