Friday, September 5, 2008

25) Batiluva Resort, Yanutha Island, Fiji

September 2008: South Pacific
Batiluva Resort, Yanutha Island, Fiji (S 18.22.773 E 177.59.151) 

                In the same waters of Beqa Island is Yanutha Island (Yanuca) with another anchorage we wanted to stay overnight.  The final approach before dropping the hook in about 30’ of water gave us a glimpse of the bottom.  The water was very clear and quite easy to see the coral and sand and very tempting to jump in.  Once the hook was dropped and set we all went snorkeling.  I was the last in the water as I was busy preparing a zip-loc with my camera, book, etc.  I had every intention of sitting on shore for a little while enjoying the anchorage to ourselves.
                In the center of the picture above is a small surfing resort called Batiluva Resort.  Surfers stay here and are taken out to the fringing reef and surf the breaks.  There are a few bungalows, a central building, kayaks, beach chairs, hammocks and lots of nothing else.  There really is nothing to do here but surf.  It is a tiny little speck of an island that just happens to be close to some good surfing.  We hear there are many places like this in this southern/south western part of Fiji.

                I snorkeled to shore, set my things down and went trekking.  Five minutes later (because it was so small) and a few pictures in the bag I was ready to plop down on the beach in a chair and do some reading.  Oh my gosh was it nice.  The little ripples of waves rolling in, my toes in the sand, the shade of the trees and the warm breeze made me almost feel guilty for not paying to be here.
                When I had my fill of reading a panga showed up with a young guy and 2 girls that had been out surfing.  They jumped out of the boat surfboards in hand and shuffled into the resort.  Gunther came back out after a while with beers in hand and we met on the beach and sat talking for about an hour.  He and his girlfriend and another friend were from Maui and travel the world for surf sites.  He was originally from Detroit, spent some time in So Cal and landed in HI about eleven years ago.  We had quite a lot in common as he was in construction, scuba and water sports.  Several times we commented on how pristine and peaceful and quiet and detached this particular place was.  It was said that anytime you are feeling down you can just think of this place and how beautiful it is.  




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