Monday, January 16, 2006

78) Bonaire

Harbour Village, Kralendijk, Bonaire 12° 09.848 N 68° 17.077 W

We have settled into a strange environment onboard again.  Alan is still bugging me.  This time it started a few days ago on the hook with him having cleaned a coconut in the cockpit and getting fibers all over the canvas and seats and floor and himself.  John told him to clean it up.  So, he stands up at the companionway and brushes himself off.  All the fibers and junk float down into the nav station and on the steps.  John told him to clean that up.  At this time I had finished cooking my pancakes and sat at the nav station to eat.  And here comes Alan with a dustpan and starts brushing at my level and over my food.  This is typical clueless Alan in that he does not even notice that I am there or that dirt is being flicked around and now dust is floating.  I got up and walked away without saying a word.  It wasn’t worth it.

This morning I saw Alan and John sitting in the salon talking and I asked John where the bacon was.  He told me.  That was global awareness clue number one for Alan.  Global awareness clue number two was the smell of cooking bacon.  Simple reasoning says that the galley is operating.  While the bacon was cooking I prepared 3 plates and batter for pancakes and had it all spread out.  I took the pan of bacon grease outside to dump in the water and in the few seconds I was gone Alan had moved into the galley, got orange juice and started to make toast.  I said that I was in the middle of preparing breakfast for the other 3 of us and didn’t he see that.  He said no.  I said, you can’t see all this going on; the flame is still burning on the stove with no pan over it; the flame that you reached across to get a glass; and that someone is actually using this area.  He said no.  He said, frankly I did not see any of this.  Can this be true?  I snapped.  I told him that he is clueless and has no global awareness.  That he has no idea what is going on around him and how what he does affects others.  He walks through here and does shit and acknowledges you only when he is actually tuned in.  

There is such a lack of awareness around himself that when you speak to him you might as well open with gibberish because it takes him several moments to spool up.  If you ask him a question or anything he is startled beyond belief and has the look of a deer in the headlights.  It is very frustrating.  John says that his secondary boot time is too slow.  (Think of sliding the mouse when the computer is sleeping and how long it takes to come back on).  I am not the only one having problems with Alan and it appears that more and more often John is letting loose on him because of the shit that is going on.  Alan has also managed to drag Nancy into his crazy world.  It is difficult to be around someone in close quarters that is unaware of what he is doing and that he is only tuned in when he wants something.  And even that is questionable.

  Coast Guard 
Harbour Village
Kralendijk, Bonaire
A few hours outside Bonaire an airplane on a fly-by inspected us.  It passed just aft of us about 100’ off the water and cruising very slow.  There were no markings other than light gray and something red on the tail.  It almost looked like a government or official type of craft.  Then, a few miles off the coast a helicopter inspected us.  This time it was a coast guard and it made several passes at a low level.  We thought it was very strange and John eventually grabbed the US flag and held it up.

Dead coral is used for ground cover

We went to dinner at the restaurant right at the end of the dock and luckily both the food and service were great.  We made it back in time to turn on the TV and watch the Golden Globes.  Yes, this dock has cable and Nancy really wanted to watch.  We watched it to the end.  It was odd watching the news and flipping channels after not having seen TV for so long.  I am sure there will be some kind of adjustment to go through after having checked out in October.




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