I am interested in the delivery to Long Beach. Please keep me in mind and forward my info to the delivery crew if it is OK with you.
I am interested in the delivery to Long Beach. Please keep me in mind and forward my info to the delivery crew if it is OK with you.
That would be good as we could have three of you guys going round trip. You guys will be more one with the ship than me by the time we start the race. Bill is the delivery skipper & then the navigator for the race. Bill, meet Dave & Dave meet Bill.
That would be good as we could have three of you guys going round trip. You guys will be more one with the ship than me by the time we start the race. Bill is the delivery skipper & then the navigator for the race. Bill, meet Dave & Dave meet Bill.
Hi David,
Welcome aboard! It will be nice to have someone aboard who's familiar
with the boat. Our tentative date to leave Honolulu is April 20th.
Mark Svenson is a friend of mine who's also going. He's a good guy and
great sailor. There will be a total of four of us. I have a friend
from from Chicago who wants to go, but hasn't committed. I've done
the Mac with him several times.
Would you fill me in on your sailing experience? I know you've done
the Transpac and will be going with us next year.
Welcome aboard! It will be nice to have someone aboard who's familiar
with the boat. Our tentative date to leave Honolulu is April 20th.
Mark Svenson is a friend of mine who's also going. He's a good guy and
great sailor. There will be a total of four of us. I have a friend
from from Chicago who wants to go, but hasn't committed. I've done
the Mac with him several times.
Would you fill me in on your sailing experience? I know you've done
the Transpac and will be going with us next year.
I attached a resume.
I have 19k+ offshore miles and only 800 of it on multi-hulls. Yes, I am very familiar with Chasch Mer in all positions and for the '07 TP I shared fore-deck.
I have not done the HI to CA route and for some crazy reason I want to do it and this looks to be a good opp.
I attached a resume.
I have 19k+ offshore miles and only 800 of it on multi-hulls. Yes, I am very familiar with Chasch Mer in all positions and for the '07 TP I shared fore-deck.
I have not done the HI to CA route and for some crazy reason I want to do it and this looks to be a good opp.
Hey Guys,
Attached is my draft schedule of events & what needs to be done before the
race gets under way. Please take a look and give me your thoughts.
Chasch Mer
Transpac ‘11 Schedule
(DRAFT #3)
- Organize electronics. Contact
- Display cover guards 1/11 Josie
- GPS 1/11
- Ray Marine system 12/10 James
- Laptop (weather & routing) 4/11 Bill
- Calibrate all instruments 4/11 Bill
- Check radios 11/10 James
- Stereo Speakers Done
- Clean up all wiring 1/11 Eric
- Replace Mast Repeaters 1/11 Russell (to Raymarine 12/15)
- Deck Gear
- Rebuild spin poles 3/11 Gib
- Rebuild whisker pole Gib
Inboard fitting 11/10 Wayne
- Replace forward hatch 3/1o Gib/Dick
- Order vice cleat Done
- Repaint toe rail 3/11 Gib
- Re-bed stanchion & supports 3/11 Gib
- New Jib Lead blocks/cars (4) Complete
- 2 spinnaker winches 3/11 Consider
- Deck glass & paint touchup 4/11 Teoni
- Consider larger 52” wheel
With 2.25” Bore,
Yacht Specialties Complete
- Boarding ladder Complete
- Mast boot Complete
- Review Stoppers Ron U.
- Preventer Ron U.
- Marlin spike at mast Gib
- Knife at mast Bill
- Knife at binnacle Bill
- Organize roller furler Ron U./Gib/Y. Eric-Complete
- Main traveler cam cleats Ron U.
- Netting at fore-deck Gib
- Spin change sheet and tack line
with shackle Ron U.
- Replace Main Sheet Gib
- Order New Main Sheet System Gib
- Main halyard 7/16” Gib
- Foot blocks with locks Gib
- New mainsheet 5/16” Ron U.-Complete
- New jib sheets Done.
- New spinnaker sheets and guys Done.
- New light air spin sheet(s) Complete
- Baggy wrinkles Dave/?
- Note: 2 Small forward hatches leak Gib
- Rebuild all winches Wayne
- Refit Starboard forepeak rope bar Complete
- Repaint “training deck” Teoni
- Repaint (tan) deck gel coat Teoni
- Touch up white gel coat Gib
- Clean decks cabin sides & cockpit then protect Gib
- Clean topsides and protect
- Rebuild small opening port hinges Gib
- New foreguy system (line & blocks) Gib
- 2nd foreguy system for 2 pole jybes? Gib
- Sails
- New #105%, blade &/or spin 2/11 Gib
- New Main 1/11
- Review all kites & headsails
for condition 2/11 Gib
- Binnacle pocket 2/11 Complete
- Rebuild delivery main 2/11
- A-Sails VS symmetrical kites?
- Canvas Work
- Rebuild Dodger Josie Complete
- Personal storage compartments Gib-Ordered/Complete
- Swim step toiletries compartments Complete
- Wheel cover Josie
- Metal work
- Add 2 stanchion supports Gib-Ordered/On Island
- Engine
- Tune up 3/11 Russell
Ø Spares (belts, hoses, oil, etc) 3/11 Russell
- Install fuel gauge 2/11 Russell
- Check out & order spare: Russell

jumper cables
check & charge batteries
spare parts & fluids Russell
- Hull & Haul out
- Bottom job 3/16-3/28/11
- Polish top sides 4/11
- New Zink 4/11 Wayne
- Check shaft, hose & packing 3/16/11
- Change rudder bearings &
Steering cable 3/11 Steve
- Check quadrant Complete
- Replace PVC drain pipes from cock pit Complete
- Eliminate one, man over pole tube Dick
- Transom ports (2) Gib/Steve Brown
- Move emergency rudder track Complete
- Cabin
- Cut all over head/screws Complete
- Fix entrance ladder 4/11 Dick
- Stop aft door scarring Done
- Fill wood plugs Done
- Reset table screws Gib
- Paint Cabin 4/11 TBD
- Repair 1 of 3 water tanks complete
- Review all water tank plumbing 1/11TBD
- Repair aft port bunk Dick-Complete
- Remove aft cabin door done
- Secure forward cabin door Done
- Fix reaching strut bag Done
- New/strong lea cloth system 2/11
- Remove V berth Gib
- Remove table Gib/Ross
- Replace stove Ordered/Received
- Mast & Rigging
- Tune Mast &
review standing rigging Ron U.-Complete
- Review running rigging Ron U.-Complete
- Order new running rigging Gib
- New runners & blocks done
- New jib sheets 5/11 Gib/Ron U.
- New spin sheets & guys 5/11 Gib
- Organize reefing system better Gib/Ron U.
- New spinnaker halyard Gib/Ron U.-Ordered
- New main halyard Gib/Ron U.
- New jib halyards Gib-Ordered
- New Cunningham line 3/11
- Emergency cutters Complete
- Tylaska Fid. (red) TYUSFID
- Boson’s Chair
- Organize the right crew (10) 2/11 Gib
Position at drills:
1) Bow Jeff
2) Mast Dave
3) Pit
4) Main Gordon
5) Starboard Trim
6) Starboard Runner & Vang
7) Port Runner
8) Port Trim Mark
9) Navigator Bill
10) Driver Gib
Note: These Positions may change.
Watch systems under consideration:
Two six-hour watches during the day – 0600 to 1200, and 1200 to 1800. Meals at watch changes. Oldest watch does meal prep, new watch does cleanup.
Three four-hour watches at night – 1800-2200, 2200- 0200, 0200-0600. This way the day watches are alternated, so one watch doesn’t suffer all the hot afternoon watches in the latter stages of the race.
And, one adjustment: as the race goes on, dawn comes later and later, so the 0600-1200 watch becomes another night watch for the first one to three hours. It’s supposed to be a day watch. So, to adjust for our westing during the race, at approximately 1/3rd of the way, one of the two watches would stand an extra hour during the normally 4-hour 1800-2200 watch. Then, at about 2/3rds of the way, the other watch would do the same thing.
Each time one of these longer watches is scheduled, we can adjust the CA time of the watch schedule (e.g., 0700-1300, etc.), or just adjust our watches to reflect the effective local time, and keep the watch times the same (e.g., 0600-1200, etc.).
Extra Curricular Activities:
1) Safety Officer
2) Medic
3) Mechanic
4) Electronics & Electrical Bill
5) Deck Hardware
6) Mast & Rigging
7) Sails
8) Race Admin
9) Social Dictator Gordon
11. Delivery
√ Find skipper Gib-Complete
- Find crew Gib & Bill
- Sendoff April 20 Bill
- Arrive Long Beach 5/3-5
- Clean (Delivery crew) May 6 Bill
- List of projects May 6 Bill
- Delivery Life Raft May 6 Eric
- Insurance (bids) 3/11 Gib
- Crew commitment 3/11 All Crew
- Race administration forms 4/11 Gib/Bill
- Transpac Race Seminar TBD
- Uniform design 3/11 Gib
- Uniform bid 3/11 Gib
- Uniform buy 4/11 Gib
- Battle Flag 5/11 Gib
- Uniform embroider 6/11 Gib
- Uniform ship 6/11 Gib
- Safety
- Orange Coast College Safety
At Sea Seminar TBD
- US Naval Academy Safety
At Sea Seminar TBD
- Yacht safety inspection TBD
- Last day of yacht safety
Inspection TBD
- Safety at sea seminar
Long Beach YC Sunday TBD
- Contract for life rafts 2/11
- Review and buy all flares 3/11 Gib
& emergency equipment
- Last day safety inspection 6/21/11
- Sponsorship
- Sponsorship
List of prospects now – 3/11 Gib
- Sponsorship pitch Now – 3/11 Gib
- Sponsorship finalize agreement 3/11 Gib
- Sponsorship organize plan 4/11 Gib
16. Pre-Race (in Long Beach) TBD when race date is finalized
- Meet 0830
- Review Boat ASAP
- Skipper, Navigator &
Crew Meeting 0930
- Practice #1 0930
- Safety Review
- Practice #1 0930
- Skippers Meeting TBD
- Calibrate Instruments
- Practice #2
- Practice #3
- Watch first start 1300
- Provision
17. Race
- Start 1300 PDT
- Race 1 to 12 days
- Finish +/-
18. Party
- TPYC Send off Party 7/2/11 5:00 PM
- Sponsors Party Date TBD
- Crew & Friends TBD. 6:00 PM Host Gib & Jackie Dinner Party @ Alamitos Bay YC TBD
- Send off breakfast @ dock TBD 9:00 AM Host Gib & Jackie
- Arrival Party TBD +/- Gib (WYC)/Sponsor
- Sponsor Party TBD
- Hawaii YC Party 7/20/11
- Waikiki YC Party 7/21/11
- Plywood Cup Ala Moana Beach Park 7/23/11
- Awards Presentation 7/22/11
- Kaneohe YC Party 7/23/11
Bill Riner
Gib Black
Delivery Crew:
Bill Riner Skipper
Sponsor Contacts: TBD
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